Methanol-certified valves

Dual-fuel shipbuilding advances through strict certification of methanol valves.
High-velocity methanol valves now available for greater flexibility when building dual-fuel systems with long vent-pipes.

High-velocity methanol valves

Methanol plays an important role in the green transition, as do advanced vent and valve systems for methanol tanks. A series of high-velocity methanol valves produced in Denmark have now been certified for the first time. This offers shipbuilder greater flexibility when building dual-fuel systems with long vent-pipes.

Valve systems are essential for controlling pressure and vacuum, ensuring both fire and environmental safety as well as operational efficiency. However, these systems are subject to stringent certification requirements.

“At the moment, Pres-Vac valves are the only valves on the market that comply with the indutry’s rigorous regulations”

Setting new standards for dual-fuel ships

“The IMO 1621 regulations and other regulatory bodies set the standards for building dual-fuel ships. Until now, shipbuilders and owners have struggled to plan new builds according to the highest standards, due to a scarcity of suppliers who could demonstrate compliance. Fortunately, this situation is changing,” says Sofia Alexandra Grave, Research and Development Manager at Pres-Vac Engineering.

Certification success and industry impact

Pres-Vac, based in Denmark, has recently received approval for their high-velocity valves for methanol ships under the IMO 1621 standard, ISO 15364:2021, ISO 16852:2016 and IMO MSC Circ. 677. The updated certification allows these valves to be used on longer pipes, up to 128 meters for DN 65 and even more meters for larger pipe sizes.

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